
Well, some people might have called it hasty. Some might have called it disorganised. Some might have hollered "there isn't physically enough time to do this in the time you've announced". I was all of those people, usually shouting those things into the mirror - and YET! Lo and behold! We acually have recorded, produced and now released an actual album, a mere four weeks after I took to this website to threaten the Tory-voting world with a record of pure unbridled revenge. I am therefore thrilled to announce that...

WHATEVER'S LEFT, my fourth studio album is RELEASED TODAY! Go get it HERE!

If you pre-ordered - THANK YOU! - you should have got an email with the download of the album to you this morning. CDs arrived a touch later than we anticipated so will be shipped today and Monday. We're trying to do as much as possible today before the launch party tonight so please bear with me, but do get in touch if you haven't received a CD by Wednesday latest. But only if you've bought one. I'm not just giving them away.

For you cool cats coming to see us perform it in London tonight at the Good Ship, Kilburn, you can pick up your pre-ordered copies (plus some other super cool merch) when you come along then.

For you cool midlands cats, we still have a few tickets for our Leicester launch on Saturday 13th June, which you can find on the gigs page.


Those of you who don't follow my useless rantings on Twitter might be unaware still that I am playing GLASTONBURY again this year! Hooray! Catch me at 3pm on the Round up in the Leftfield with everyone's favourite Billy Bragg.

After Glastonbury and a few of Robin Ince's final stand up shows before he takes a couple of years off, I am actually setting sail 'cross the Atlantic bound for CANADA to play the Vancouver Folk Music Festival. So that's the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me bar the creation of the TV gameshow Tipping Point. Then it's back for Sidmouth, Towersey and Greenbelt. All in all, a healthy summer schedule lies ahead. Hope to catch some of you at a show. 

Thank you to every single person who pre-ordered the new album. It's not an exaggeration to say it would not have been made without you. I'm almost ten years into this game and still as unsigned and independent as ever, and to have people like you lot following and supporting what I do quite literally keeps me in a job. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

GP x


Friends, listeners, supporters. Long-suffering, embattled comrades.

Well, we lost. The optimistic idealism of my last blog post still hovers on this page. It serves as a painful reminder of our defeat, like all of our Timehop apps, this week chirping so incongruously cheerfully that “5 years ago!” we mourned David Cameron taking undemocratic control of the country, with Nick Clegg riding shotgun. We thought the worst had happened. Five years on, we realise we were wrong. I feared more Tory-LibDem coalition. Never in my most outrageous nightmares did I think the electorate would return David Cameron to Downing Street with a majority, unbridled by any coalition partner, free to reign mercilessly and unchecked. No comfort was achieved by the utter decimation of the LibDems, even though I, along with every member of the 2010 student movement, had anticipated it for five years. It was a defeat without mitigation, the very last fuck-you from the Tories coming in Sheffield Hallam where Conservatives had organised tactical LibDem support to keep Nick Clegg from losing his seat, as he so richly deserved to do. Despite all the warnings and warrings, we Greens didn’t even manage to “split the vote” as we were threatened we would. There wasn’t enough of it to split. This is not a tactical error, strategy gone wrong. We lost. And – this is important – I say “we” because I mean “we”. No Green member or voter is pleased at this result. The left is a broad church with a common goal, and, in England at least, it is the left that lost. We lost because the right won.

If you’ve seen me at a gig in the last two years, there’s a good chance you will have heard me spout this old chestnut: “despite what they want you to believe, there are more good guys out there than bad guys.” It is no exaggeration to say it is a philosophy I have built my career upon. On Friday morning, I doubted both philosophy and career more than ever before.

This might seem like a strange time for me to announce the launch of my new, and more political than ever, record. Click here to PRE-ORDER FROM TODAY.

In 2013 you all supported me by buying Love Is My Rebellion, an album that was in large part a departure from political music that I called “the journey beyond protest singer”. It was mid-parliament, and I was exhausted. I felt like we’d been fighting cuts without success for so long and it seemed insurmountable. We couldn’t win. Now, in the wake of the most devastating Tory victory of my young life, I have come out of the shock and grief with more determination than ever that we absolutely MUST win in five years. To quote an unfortunate muse – there is no alternative. It is time for us to unite the left and win the argument for a fair society. To make sure there IS more good than bad in this country. To convince them the way to a fairer world is not by fighting each other for the crumbs the rich toss our way, but by coming together to demand a common good for all of us.

Perhaps protest songs help, perhaps they don’t, but if I have any skill that I can lend to the leftwing effort to both resist this evil government and to help elect a different one when the time comes, then writing and playing songs that can, in some small way, soundtrack the struggle is it.

My fourth studio album is called Whatever’s Left. It will be released on June 6th at a launch party at The Good Ship, Kilburn, with a Leicester launch party at The Guildhall on June 13th. Tickets for these are available from the Gigs page now.

You can pre-order it from this website as of today. As with all previous releases, the pre-orders allow me to actually get it made, so please please please support me in my unsigned tomfoolery and hopefully enough of you will want it that we can actually afford to press it. (I think if Alan Sugar witnessed this business model, I would be fired. The hell with him, it’s worked before.)

The first 100 copies will be signed and dated by me, AND if you are coming along to our launch party at the Good Ship on June 6th, you can choose to receive your copy on the night by just putting a note saying so in the little message to me box when you buy. If you pre-order from anywhere else you should receive the CD on or by the morning of June 6th.

This is the most dispiriting, most dangerous time for us. The temptation to give it all up and accept defeat will snap at your heels. The most vulnerable people in society who cannot fight for themselves will need you to keep going on their behalf. On the days that I talk about giving it all up and accepting defeat, please remind me of that too.

Yours always in solidarity,

GP x


(...spoiler alert: mine are Green)

Happy St Patrick’s Day! May your Guinness flow freely and your Irish heritage be celebrated, however tenuous it may be!


Well friends. I’ve not written since bitterest midwinter, and now here we are in the middle of…. Ever-so-slightly less bitter spring. What have I been doing? Where have I been going? Well, plenty. But as Kirsty Wark would say – more on that story later. Today I’ve decided to use this website to publish a message beyond pure self-promotion (although there’s gonna be plenty of that too, AMIRITE! Skip to the bottom for news on a TOUR but listen to this lecture first!)

The UK general election is in little under two months, and I’ll be voting Green. I can’t imagine that pronouncement will be a great shock. For anyone who’s ever spoke to me, seen me gig or followed me on Twitter, it won’t exactly be an Eastenders-drums moment. In fact, my coming out of the Green closet will probably be just as surprising as my coming out of the actual closet – the difference is, I’m more nervous about this one.

I read today that Jack Monroe has joined the Green Party, and in response, experienced a load of grief from the side we’re all supposed to be fighting on together. Once again Labourites closed ranks and hollered at her from all directions about wasting votes and helping Tories and won’t someone PLEASE think of the women? They are arguments I’ve had on Facebook, on Twitter, and in pubs up and down the country. But I’ve realised that’s a cop-out. Because the one place I haven’t argued Green is the most important place I need to – on stage.

Does anyone care what I think? Probably not. But I make my living from being a “political songwriter”, whatever the hell that means. For the small number of people on the planet who think I make good points in my songs about politics, I should put my money where my ideology is. It’s not enough to ply my trade vaguely on being “leftwing,” and that’s exactly what I do. Every time I play a gig for a trade union, every time I accept a slot on the Now Show, every time (well, that one time) the Guardian call me up for a comment on politics in art, I’m benefiting from being a Political Songwriter. So bring it on. Let’s get political.

I wrote a song a couple of months ago called Whatever’s Left. You probably haven’t heard it. It’s only made public ears at two gigs, both where I was totally confident I was among friends. It has, however, been scrawled on set lists for almost every gig I’ve done since I wrote it. But I’ve chickened out. Mostly because of this final chorus:

I’m going down the only hopeful road I’ve seen / Trying to find something working in a broken machine / And if the only red politics I’ve seen are Green, then I’m going for whatever’s left

Some of you know bandmate Jess, ex-partner-in-relationships but still-partner-in-percussion-and-in-crime.  She’s a big fan of the new song. The other day we were talking politics. She told me that she’d convinced a friend to vote Green simply by admitting that she will be herself. It got me thinking that there’s no point having pro-Green songs I won’t play. In fact, being a fringe party on the verge of graduating properly into a mainstream party (the polls suggest the Greens are set to make massive electoral gains), it’s even more important to step up to the plate and nail my colours to the mast. So that’s what I’m doing. My mast, it is Green.

But there are those pesky arguments. Let’s get them out of the way.

You’re helping the Tories! How stupid are you, Tory-helper?!

I’m not helping the Tories. I’m hurting Labour. I’m hurting Labour on purpose, because the ideological trend of Labour post-Blair has been to the right, to the right, everything we own in a box to the right, and that box is marked “stuff to privatise”. Nobody who’s actually left wants this Labour. They feel like they’ve got a gun to their head, held by people like Polly Toynbee, because for so very long all anyone has said is a vote for anyone except Labour is helping the Tories. Here’s a truthbomb, folks: that kind of rhetoric is helping the Tories. Just the ones wearing red ties.

When a party thinks they have electoral support whatever policies they push, that’s not democracy. Maybe if Labour actually take a real beating electorally, they will examine where it started to go wrong for them, and start to shift back to their roots.

What are you smoking, hippy? The Greens can’t win! It’s a wasted vote!

Okay, the Greens can’t win in 2015. That does not make the vote wasted. Who, on the left, the true left, actually can win this election? A Labour landslide would not make me happy. I want a sea change, I want to re-examine the ideology our entire society is based on so we can stop looking at our lives solely by what profit they will turn. I’m part of a generation that has been sold out on education, tuition, public services, house prices and countless other things. There’s nothing on the table for us. Does that mean we eat what we hate for the rest of our lives? Or that we put effort now into changing the menu for future generations? And yes, that metaphor is food-heavy, but I’ve got Jack Monroe and her recipes for social justice on the brain. What I’m saying is: play the long game.

But I read the Greens have a bad policy on sex work and women and drugs and Natalie Bennett had a bad interview so all society is doomed under Green rule!

The Green Party is a young, growing, developing movement. If you like 90% of what they’re saying, get involved and change 10%. Join and campaign and shape the politics of the party. Don’t dismiss it because it doesn’t match your ideology to every letter. You will never find a party that will do that. And if you’re telling me the Greens are worse ideologically on any of those issues than Labour, then really, there’s more difference between us than tactics – in which case – go Labour, and god speed to you.

We should be on the same side!

We should. We should. A thousand times, we should. If you’re left, and I’m left, and you’re going red and I’m going Green – don’t hate me. I’m just a girl, standing in front of the rest of my life, trying to stop the rhetoric from moving ever-more to the right. You don’t have to agree with me. But if anyone, any single person out there thinks that what I have to say about this stuff is in anyway important, I need to be honest. All my career people have compared me to Billy Bragg, what I do to Red Wedge. Red Wedge was a different time. They had something red to sell. A Labour party they could get behind in all good conscience. I don’t.

Ultimately, I have to go with my heart. I have to accept that standing on a platform, however small, and speaking and singing about politics means there will be some folks out there who listen. And for those listening to me, I can’t bring myself to sell you this Labour. I don’t believe in them. I’m not trying to sell you the Greens – but I’m saying that’s where my heart is. So go with yours. But do it for the right reasons. It is not a pipedream to think we can affect political change in our lifetime.

So, what am I going to do about it? Well, I’m going on the Election Countdown Tour! All throughout April you can see me plodding around the country offering my acquired-taste brand of new and old political material, plus some songs about Bob Dylan and breakups because YOLO, at a variety of venues as high as Edinburgh, as low as Portsmouth, and as across as Cardiff and Norwich. Please do come to the election countdown tour and we can have a beer and chinwag it over. For dates, please check the GIGS page.

Also! There’s a new album a-brewing, but I’ll tell y’all about that next week.

If you made it this far, both reading to here and sticking with my music, as always thanks for your time. Solidarity.

GP x