I'm Leavin' On A Jet Plane
/Well pals.
I've just stopped in to say cheerio. Tomorrow (technically today) I am crossing an actual legitimate ocean to play music on the other side of the world so that is big news indeed. The Vancouver Folk Festival is playing host to me and Caitlin (only the Culture is available for this one, so we're going to send the Benefits a postcard) over their lovely three day festival at a park on a beach in the sunshine. I know, I know - it's a bloody difficult job, this, but someone has to do it.
Two quick, but enormous thank you's belong in this month's blog post: first of all GLASTONBURY. You were bloody magnificent, and I loved every second of you. All the love and gratitude in my heard for Mr Bragg for inviting me back to the Leftfield to mix pop and politics again. I had some brilliant curry, saw Thee Faction, drank plenty, and saw Charlotte Church speak and that's only four highlights in a weekend full. Thanks to every one of you who came and watched, you made it awesome.
Secondly - the end has finally come to my long period of touring with lovely Robin Ince. He has decided that over twenty years solidly touring is enough to earn a bit of a break which I personally think is typical of this country's workshy attitude. As a hardworking family I think we all need to do a bit more aspiring. Lol, of course ladies and gentlemen, lol! I owe Mr Ince a huge amount, and it would far more words than I could reasonably or interestingly put here but suffice to say a lot of you reading this wouldn't know who I am without him giving me the incredible opportunities he has. I will also miss his company standing at the side of the M5 when my next car explodes.
IN OTHER NEWS.... a final festival addition to my summer line up in the form of Standon Calling on August 2nd. I will probably be very jet lagged and think it's morning and start crowing like a rooster so that's probably worth seeing.
MANCHESTER FOLK.... I am very excited to announce that I will be performing at UNPLUGGED FOR AUSTISM at Manchester Academy 2 on October 15th. It’s part of a series of gigs designed to be comfortable for autistic people. That means an all-acoustic lineup, space to move inside the venue, and no overbearing light shows. It also means being able to enjoy music in your own way – whether that’s dancing, sitting on the floor or standing in the corner. Basically, it’s what a gig should be! You’re all welcome, whether you’re autistic or not.
Apparently there are bands "bigger than me", so there will be one announced nearer to the show. BUT! As die-hard GP website frequenters, you qualify for an early-bird discount price by booking now before T̶h̶e̶ ̶B̶e̶a̶t̶l̶e̶s̶ the headliners are announced and it gets pricey. So get yours here (https://manchesteracademy.ticketline.co.uk/order/tickets/13307622/unplugged-for-autism-manchester-academy-2-2015-10-15-19-30-00) for £11 including booking fee, with all proceeds going straight to The National Autistic Society.
Off I go then into the night and 'cross the sea. What awaits me there, I do not know, friends. Will Canada like me? Will the dog forget me? Will Caitlin keep hold of her passport and wallet for an unprecedented three entire weeks, thereby avoiding a situation involving the British embassy? All these questions and more answered On The Other Side.
Peace and love
GP x